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Weekend Review: David Wilson Clarke

Weekend Review: David Wilson Clarke

The weekend is what you make of it - there's endless opportunities whether you're at work or play. Today we welcome our friend, David Wilson Clarke for a peek into the life of a professional photographer, and what he might keep in his fridge... 

Where do you call home?

I have a little bungalow in Shepshed, Leicestershire, next to a river. This means that to go anywhere, I go through the countryside, which I love.

What do you do for work?

I'm a full time professional photographer. I love saying that, as I've been a photographer for quite a while, but only recently take it up full time. Portraiture, performance art and dancers, as well as commercial work.

What's been your proudest career moment so far?

I photographed David Attenborough, as he was opening Attenborough Arts new gallery. I was one of quite a few photographers so getting the shot I wanted in a busy event was tricky. But, at one point, he looked directly at me for a second, and I had my shot.

And your biggest achievement outside of work?

I used to be a Mountaineer, so I think it's climbing Elbrus, the highest mountain in Europe.

When is your weekend?

Work is busier on weekends, so weekends tend to be snatched hours sitting in cafés or pubs after work has finished.

How did you spend last weekend?

I was assisting another photographer on a shoot in Paris. Saturday was full on concentration, making sure everything went smoothly, then Sunday was hanging around the cafés of paris, just drinking and eating.

How typical was it for you?

There is no typical. It may be working in arts centres, sorting out the studio, collaborating with a performance artist, photographing a dancer, or like this weekend, taking portraits on an Afghan camera with Leicester Lo-Fi. Although there is bellringing on a Sunday morning at All Saints Loughborough, which is the one fixed point in my weekend.

What are you most looking forward to in the week ahead?

I'm photographing a dancer on Tuesday. This is something I started recently, after realising I didn't know how to photograph dancers in a way that I liked. I'm an unlikely dance photographer, but these things come to you, and to go with them makes life interesting.

You're ideal Sunday Menu...

Breakfast: Veggy sausage cob, with mushrooms or an egg on top, and maybe a little bit of melted cheese. All at home, then relax.
Lunch: I'm not one for a big Sunday lunch, so a cheese board (With Sparkenhoe, a Shropshire Blue and a strong Cheddar.) In a nice pub garden with a pint of Summer beer, talking rubbish with friends.
Dinner: Years ago I was working near Bath and stayed in The Tollgate Inn, Holt, Wiltshire. The food was incredible. I've always wanted to go back and see if the food was as good. So there, again, with friends, talking rubbish.

What's in your fridge?

Cheese. Then some more cheese. 

QUICK FIRE: Name your absolute favourite....

Book: Philip Pullman - His Dark Materials. 
Film: I can never decide between Léon: The Professional or Amélie
Album: The answer to this changes constantly. Currently, Grails - Deep Politics

Digital versus Film photography, which gets your vote and why?

I work a lot with both, and both have their place. If you have a job with a quick turnaround: digital. But if you want something with a little extra, with imperceptible mood, something classy and classic, the film.

How can people follow what you do and get in contact?

twitter: @ddwwcc
Instagram: @davidwilsonclarke